How Car Insurance Works


Our dealership, Bedford Nissan, has a wide selection of Nissan cars, but we’re also a Nissan dealership that knows the importance of owning a vehicle. We want to provide drivers with safe experiences on the road. That’s why we care to provide knowledge about vehicle insurance.


What is Auto Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

Life is unpredictable, making auto insurance an absolute necessity. Since you never know about the things that life can throw at you, it’s best to be prepared. Insurance is your contingency plan against the worst-case scenarios that can occur for you and your vehicle. Even if you believe that you’re a safe driver and know the rules, you just never know who’s behind the wheel of another car. Auto insurance protects you in cases when others whom you share the road may not be as cautious or competent. When you find yourself in a collision, auto insurance is there for you.


Insurance Coverage Options

Whether it’s another driver or circumstances outside of your control, like inclement weather, you want to cover yourself against any possibility of a collision or damages to you or your car. You can opt for light coverage that only protects the vehicle and any damage to it or you can also protect yourself and passengers. Policies specify the degree to which you and the vehicle are protected, plus the amount and type of compensation you would be entitled to in the event that something goes wrong. It’s important to look at costs of insurance and one term you’ll want to pay attention to is deductible. Policies will usually have a certain amount due out-of-pocket before eligible compensation kicks in. Sometimes, higher deductibles come with lower policy costs. The costs may vary, so if  you want to learn more about insuring new Nissan cars, our dealership can help.

Come to us if have questions about the process to insure new or used Nissan cars for sale. We are here for you to visit, call, or even connect online. We want you to be safe on the roads and insurance is a vital component to that. Find us at 18115 Rockside Rd. in Bedford, OH.